Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

crazy hats
 A candy in your Halloween bag is a "sweet treat"
crazy hair
Miss L in long hair
 An unsteady elf is awobblin' goblin
can't resist touching that spikey hair!
A chubby flying mammal is a fat bat!
autographed hat!
 A haunted wigwam is a creepy tepee
check out this hair!
 A ghost's mistake is a boo-boo
cool hat
 A wealthy broomstick rider is a rich witch
halloween game
 A cloth to dry a bird is an owl towel
writing spooky stories
 A haunted party-giver is a ghost host.
writing spooky stories

yum!  this hat makes me hungry!

Halloween game

having Halloween fun

look at all those treats!

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