Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Constitution Day

We the People 
of the United States, 
in Order to form 
a more perfect Union, 
establish Justice, 
insure domestic Tranquility, 
provide for the common defense, 
promote the general Welfare, 
secure the Blessings of Liberty 
to ourselves and our Posterity, 
do ordain and establish 
this Constitution 
for the United States of America.

Happy Constitution Day!
On this date in 1787, 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document that today is the oldest Constitution still in use by ANY government.
Check out the excellent video available at this website explaining all about our government:

Here's a few fun questions to quiz your governmental knowledge....

QUESTION: The word "democracy" appears in article 1 of the Constitution.
(The word democracy doesn't appear anywhere in the document.  If you want to learn more about democracy.) BrainPop has a video about it...

QUESTION:  Benjamin Franklin was the oldest person to sign the constitution.
(He was 81 years old)
Today's featured video on BrainPop is about the U.S. Constitution...

QUESTION: The two future U.S. Presidents who signed the constitution were George Washington and ____.
ANSWER:  James Madison
(Madison is also called the "Father oft he Constitution" because he contributed so much to it.)
Want to learn more about this founding father?  BrainPop has a video about him too...

QUESTION: Since the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791, how many additional amendments have been added to the Constitution? 
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights.  To learn more watch this BrainPop...

QUESTION: Which branch of the US Government is mentioned first in the Constitution?
ANSWER: Legislative
(This is the branch that includes the House of Representatives and Senate and is charged with making the laws that govern our country.)
To learn more about the Branches of Government, watch this BrainPOP...

QUESTION:  Where can you find the original copy of the constitution?
ANSWER: the National Archives
(Located in Washington, DC.  To preserve the quality of the document, it is kept at 67 degrees and 40% humidity.  Miss Liefer got the chance to see this on a family vacation years go to Washington, D.C. - however I can't find any pictures to share.  I recommend if you ever get a chance, visit it!  If you've seen the movie "National Treasure" this is a big part of the film and where the Declaration of Independence is also.  The Archives are really interesting!)

QUESTION:  In what city was the US Constitution signed?
ANSWER: Philadelphia
(Here's where it all started... maybe the most important room in our country's history.  )
When it comes to our Independence, this room is literally the birthplace of our United States.  Here's Miss Liefer, her brother, and dad (mom was taking the picture) standing in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
 Notice the fireplace, chairs, candles, and feather pens? In this room (the assembly room) in Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence and 11 years later in this exact SAME room, the Constitutional Convention created the supreme law of the land--the Constitution of the United States.
Just imagine what it would have been like to sit in here and listen to the debates about the future of our nation. (This is an OLD photo from that family vacation of Miss Liefer and her brother.  If you ever get a chance, visit Philadelphia!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

