Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trouble Don't Last

Here's an awesome book review on an awesome book...

Number the Stars

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is a favorite among fourth graders.
Here's our book review (including who we thought the bravest character was in the story):

Our opinions on the author's purpose for writing this book:

LEGO Builders

photos from last week's event ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dolphin Song

We finished the second book in the series!
Here's our book review:

Curious about the first book in the series?  Check out our book review on The White Giraffe:

Still Used Today

During Literacy, we had a story about about Native American inventions still being used today.
We read the story using the "Jigsaw" technique.  This is where each group read a different part of the story, and then they prepared a presenation about it for the rest of the class.
Check it out... 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Here are four of my favorite state websites!
How well do you know our states!?!?!

Prefixes and Suffixes

When you click on the link below, you will get to play a game! This game will give you practice with prefixes and suffixes.
Remember in this theme,we are practicing prefixes...especially


Math-a-Thon for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is starting!
Consider participating...get your permission slips in!

Here's the website that the video talked about:

This is the "game" tab on the site.
There's also information about St. Jude, information for parents, and more!
Check it out!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Young Author Stories

During the month of January, we worked really hard putting all our creative writing skills to good use.
We brainstormed, drafted, edited, revised, typed, edited and revised some more, and PUBLISHED!

I am SO proud of this class.  They really devoted a lot of time and effort into creating awesome stories.
They are ALL winners in my book! :)
Some of the titles included...

Hamster with a Monkey Tail
The World I Never Knew
Tily the Dog
Dino Gets Tricked
Engen the Kitten
The Magical Cake
Fish Bully
The Magic Legos
Haily and Her Puppies
Agent, You’ve Got a Problem
Lucky Me
The Adventure
Case of the Stolen Files
The Final Battle
The Giving Easel
The Mystical Lollipop Package
Crime Scene Investigation
How Bob Saved His Friends

Boys sharing their stories

Girls sharing their stories

The stories then competed against all the other stories written by fourth graders at Gardner Elementary.
Only six stories could be selected to move on to the Young Authors Conference.
Talk about TOUGH competition!

TWO winners came from our classroom!  Incredible!
Congratulations to the authors of these two stories. 

Have fun at the conference!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

CNN Student News

Want to know current events?
What's going on the world today?
Check out this video!

Lattice Multiplication

There are many ways to solve BIG multiplication problems.
The Lattice Method is a popular one among students.
Here we are showing a few examples as we are learning this method.

Remember you can go to to view more animations explaining how this method works!
Click to launch the free family resources.
Then "algorithms in Everyday math"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Biography= A story about a person's life.

In literacy, we have all picked a biography to read from our library. 
As we are reading, we are noting facts about that person's life so we can write a biography about that person.

February is Black History Month...we have plans to learn more about some famous African Americans and write about them too!

In social studies we researched a few famous historical figures. 
We used our teamwork skills and created a group biography poster. 
Then we presented in front of the class about that person.

Father Jacques Marquette
Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable
Robert de LaSalle
Louis Jolliet

Ferdinand Magellan